As before, astrographic data is from StarGen. Game Information, setting and background are all me.
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Terrestrial. Earth Like. (N2, O2 - breathable)
Mass: 1.0 Earth Masses
Surface Gravity: 0.92 Earth G's
Surface Pressure: 0.934 Earth atmospheres
Surface temperature 14.26° Celcius (-0.6° C Earth temperature)
Normal Equatorial temperature range
Night |
| Day |
9.8° C
49.78° F | - | 19.1° C
66.3° F |
Min |
| Max |
-11.8° C
10.8° F | - | 39.5° C
103.0° F |
Equatorial radius: 6378.3 Km (1 Earth radii)
Density: 5.50 grams/cc (1 Earth densities)
Eccentricity of orbit: 0.001
Escape Velocity 11.2 Km/sec
Molecular weight retained 6.3 and above: N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O, Ne, N2, CO...
Axial tilt 19°
Planetary albedo 0.30
Exospheric Temperature: 1299.79° K (+26..79° C Earth temperature)
Length of year: 398.57 Earth days/ 618.67 Local days
Length of day: 15.46 hours
Boiling point of water: 98.3° Celcius/209.0° Fahrenheit
Hydrosphere percentage: 66.3%
Cloud cover percentage: 48.6%
Ice cover percentage: 1.8%
Atmosphere: Breathable mix. High oxygen content proves dangerous to long-term health during prolonged exposure. Although unlikely, Pulmonary and ocular toxicity may result from exposure to the elevated oxygen levels found on Xianyao (they normally occur only when atmospheric oxygen concentration is greater than 50% at normal earth pressures). Symptoms may include disorientation, breathing problems, and vision changes such as
myopia. Prolonged or very high oxygen concentrations can cause
oxidative damage to
cell membranes, the collapse of the
alveoli in the lungs,
retinal detachment, and
While the combination of increased oxygen concentrations in the planetary atmosphere and slightly reduced atmospheric pressure from earth norms should not prove hazardous to most visitors, those from worlds with an atmospheric pressure higher than earth norm (or departing ships where a higher pressure level is the norm) should endeavour to wear properly calibrated oxygen filters at all time. Long residents and Xianyao natives are not at risk from these atmospheric conditions.
Temperature Range: Close to Earth Normal
Biosphere: The garden-world of Xiangyao possessed a pre-existing, advanced eco-system similar to that found on earth, including higher (non-sentient) plant and animals forms. However, local biology's and Terran biology's are incompatible. While a life-from from the local biosphere will not poison a Terran bio-form which consumes it, neither will the Terran bio-form derive any sustenance or nutritional value from the meal (or vice versa).
The local and imported biospheres therefore offer one another only very limited competition and may be found co-existing in certain areas abandoned after the war. However, due to local cultural values, any interference with the worlds natural development is frowned upon and most Terran bio-forms (food animals, plants and the like) are cultivated or farmed under highly controlled conditions. Likewise, while local bio-forms can be consumed for the culinary taste, the local culture also frowns on this practice as an unnecessary and immoral waste of life. Consequently, even the consumption of local plant forms is a serious criminal offence.
Population and Tech Level:
One of the first earth-like “Garden Worlds' identified in the Verge, Xianyao was discovered, colonised and developed by Chinese adherents of a minority philosophical group known as the Mozi. Though a popular philosophy in China during the “Thousand Schools” epoch of the Early Warring States Period, it fell into disfavour during the Han dynasty, although much of the school's philosophical writings survived. In the years leading up to the Great Calamity, when for over a century the likelihood of a potentially catastrophic inter-stellar war became more apparent, a Mozi philosopher named Gee Li began gathering adherents to take the philosophy to the stars. Gee Li hoped that, by setting the foundations for a strong society modelled on the Mozi ideals of universal love and beliefs in the virtues of self-defense, the world of Xianyao might become a force for rebirth in post-collapse human space.
To this end, Gee-Li and his followers bought the rights to this newly discovered, albeit distant, paradise from the Chinese Government and began settlement in the year 83 pre-Calamity (pC). Even before the first colonist set foot on-world, Gee-Li, in keeping with the philosophical tenants he embraced, began making preparations for the worlds defence. The first colony transports were, in fact, decommissioned, re-purposed Chinese war-ships bought from the flagging Chinese state. As well as habitats, pre-fabbed food cultivation units and gene-labs for creation of a terran-friendly enclosed bio-sphere, the first colony fleet carried orbital defence platforms and auto-mine layers in it's holds. As well as scientists, ecologists and agricultural teams, the first batch of colonists included Mozi-trained military theorists, retired military personnel and even weapons-systems developers.
Although the Great Calamity occurred some seven years after Gee Li's death, the by then twelve million colonists on Xianyao were protected by the most in depth orbital and ground defence systems in existence anywhere in the Verge systems. Ironically, this very defensive preparedness made the world a prime target for combative forces from the very beginning of the war, yet the planetary government and it's Mozi schooled generals had anticipated this outcome. Xianyao
Today, the Mozi's have rebuilt their defences and buried their dead. Though the war cost more lives and material than even their grand strategists had anticipated, the people of Xianyao are already stretching out peace-loving hands to the other worlds of the Verge. Mozi scholars, known to the people of Xianyao as Zhizhe (wise councillors) but to the people of other worlds whom they serve simply as “The Mozi's”leave their world in small groups, bringing their philosophy, vital food and medical supplies and, most especially, their theories of defensive warfare, to small settlements throughout the Verge. Each desperately in need of the food, medicines and fighting techniques the Mozi bring. All across the Verge, dozens of small settlements, even whole moons, owe their lives and freedom from the tyrannical depredations of pirates, raiders and slavers, to the teachings of a small band of warrior-scholars from the distant garden-world of Xianyao.
The vast majority of the population are of Chinese descent, but regardless of arbitrary ethnic definitions, the entire world (with almost unique exceptions) embraces the Mozi way of life: universal love and developing the skills needed to defend it from a hostile world.
(click this
link for more detailed information on Mozi culture and philosophy)
The world is governed by the Shengxian, a council of masters well-versed in both philosophy and the theory and practice of defensive warfare. Election (or rather, elevation) to the Shengxian is for life and each new master is chosen by the existing council. There is no theoretical limit on the number who may serve on the council at any one time. A person is either wise enough to be counted among the Shengxian or they are not. The Mozi see no need to impose artificial restrictions of the development of their brightest stars.
The population is dispersed throughout a number of major towns and cities all over the planetary surface, rather than concentrated in a small area as with most colony worlds in the Verge. Each settlement, from greatest city to the smallest farm, is protected by a network of anti-orbital, anti-atmospheric, anti-armour and ant-personnel emplacements. Only human habitations are found above ground, and these are both expansive and often very nearly open air, with painted rice-paper walls (steel plates fall into place should a dangerous predator or potential threat be detected by the homes auto-sensors).Verandas, picturesque gardens, art, balconies and orchards of cherry-trees. Architecture is universally inspired by ancient Chinese construction and design methods. Agricultural cultivations, work areas, and even manufacturing centres are all located underground in discrete but well protected locations accessed from the home. To an off-worlder, a busy farm might, from the surface, appear to be nothing more than an unusually well-defended and affluent summer home. The people of Xianyao prefer to perform their work and any potentially dirty, messy or odoriferous tasks underground and out of sight. The surface world is reserved for beauty and light.
The Sky from Kut:
Two small moons (little more than captured asteroids bristling with anti-ship weapons) orbit the world in geostationary orbits above each pole. At least one is always visible from the surface regardless of where one stands, an ever-present reminder of the need for vigilance and preparedness which, regardless of such ominous overtones, the people of Xianyao find strangely reassuring.
Outside Relations:
The People of Xianyao are the avowed enemies of any outside aggressor who would seek to impose his will on others -regardless of whether or not the said aggressor has any designs on Xianyao itself. Likewise, any world in need of aid who can contact Xianyao or one of it's wandering bands of Zhizhe is guaranteed to receive as mush aid as they need – but not necessarily as much as they would like. The Shengxian are not yet aware of CalCol's operations on Apanthi, but if they were they would be sure to take action. They would not, in keeping with their teachings, launch an attack on the slave-mining world, but they would almost certainly send a band of Zhizhe to organise and lead a revolt.
Imports: Nothing. Xianyao is perhaps the only entirely self-sufficient world in the Verge.
Exports: Zhizhe, the Mozi philoophy, relief aid (food, medical supplies, emergency personnel, instructors etc)
Travel Advisory:
See the notes on Atmospheric pressure above. Also note that bad-manners are considered highly offensive and may result in expulsion from the world or temporary imprisonment. The locals are quite well aware of what swearing sounds like, in any language, and will not tolerate such crass and rude behaviour in their presence. Given that each and every citizens is trained in martial arts (including the use of modern weaponry) behaving badly can be very ill-advised indeed.
Finally, the Mozi are extremely stern where their continued security is concerned. Before entering the system or approaching within range of it's defences it is wise to perform maintenance on ones communications. When it comes to defending their home world against potential threats, the Xianyao Defence Forces take no chances.
Finally, the Xianyao day is 15 hours long. Customarily, Xianyao sleep for four hours during the night cycle and remain awake for the other 11. The Work Cycle is one local day of work followed by one local day of rest. Four concurrent local rest days end every week of 14 local days.
5 Planets (size proportional to Sqrt(Radius)) |
 |  |  |  |  |  | See
Key |
Stellar characteristics |
Stellar mass | 0.92 solar masses |
Stellar luminosity | 0.45 |
Age | 2.925 billion years
(17.383 billion left on main sequence) |
Habitable ecosphere radius | 0.675 AU (0.549 - 0.974 AU) |
Planetary Overview |
# | Type | Dist. | Mass | Radius |
1 |  | Rock | 0.382 AU | 0.216 EM | 0.605 ER |
2 |  | Terrestrial | 0.671 AU | 0.792 EM | 0.927 ER |
3 |  | Rock | 1.049 AU | 0.050 EM | 0.372 ER |
4 |  | Sub-Jovian | 1.699 AU | 18.835 EM | 4.224 ER |
5 |  | Jovian | 2.976 AU | 21.451 EM | 4.597 ER |
QAO-1 |
Planet type | Rock
Tidally Locked 1 Face
Low-G, Hot, Airless, 1-Face |
Distance from primary star | 5.7E+07 KM | 0.382 AU |
Mass | 1.3E+24Kg | 0.216 Earth masses |
Surface gravity | 579.7 cm/sec2 | 0.59 Earth gees |
Surface pressure | 0 millibars | 0.000 Earth atmospheres |
Surface temperature | 83.6° Celcius
182.4° Fahrenheit | +69.6° C Earth temperature
+125.2° F Earth temperature |
Normal temperature range |
Min |
| Max |
-221.5° C
-366.8° F | - | 264.6° C
508.3° F |
Equatorial radius | 3857.4 Km | 0.6 Earth radii |
Density | 5.38 grams/cc | 0.97 Earth densities |
Eccentricity of orbit | 0.078 |
Escape Velocity | 6.7 Km/sec |
Molecular weight retained | 54.4 and above | SO2, SO3, Kr, Xe |
Axial tilt | 12° |
Planetary albedo | 0.07 |
Exospheric Temperature | 3972.36° K | +2699.36° C Earth temperature |
Length of year | 89.66 Earth days | 1.00 Local days |
Length of day | 2151.87 hours |
Boiling point of water | -273.1° Celcius
-459.7° Fahrenheit |
Hydrosphere percentage | 0.0 |
Cloud cover percentage | 0.0 |
Ice cover percentage | 0.0 |
Planet type | Terrestrial
Earth-like (N2, O2 - breathable) |
Distance from primary star | 1E+08 KM | 0.671 AU |
Mass | 4.7E+24Kg | 0.792 Earth masses |
Surface gravity | 903.9 cm/sec2 | 0.92 Earth gees |
Surface pressure | 1225.73 millibars | 1.21 Earth atmospheres |
Surface temperature | 9.8° Celcius
| -0.6° C Earth temperature
Normal temperature range |
Night |
| Day |
9.8° C
49.78° F | - | 19.1° C
66.3° F |
Min |
| Max |
-11.8° C
-10.8° F | - | 39.5° C
103.0° F |
Equatorial radius | 6378.3 Km | 1 Earth radii |
Density | 5.50 grams/cc | 1 Earth densities |
Eccentricity of orbit | 0.001 |
Escape Velocity | 11.2 Km/sec |
Molecular weight retained | 6.3 and above | N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O, Ne, N2, CO...
Nitrogen | 47.6% | | |
Oxygen | 50.9% |
Argon | 0.5% |
| |
Axial tilt | 19° |
Planetary albedo | 0.30 |
Exospheric Temperature | 1299.79° K | +26.79° C Earth temperature |
Length of year | 398.57 Earth days | 618.67 Local days |
Length of day | 15.46 hours |
Boiling point of water | 98.3° Celcius | 209.0° Fahrenheit |
Hydrosphere percentage | 66.3 |
Cloud cover percentage | 48.6 |
Ice cover percentage | 1.8 |
QAO-3 |
Planet type | Rock
Low-G, Cold, Airless |
Distance from primary star | 1.6E+08 KM | 1.049 AU |
Mass | 3E+23Kg | 0.050 Earth masses |
Surface gravity | 354.0 cm/sec2 | 0.36 Earth gees |
Surface pressure | 0 millibars | 0.000 Earth atmospheres |
Surface temperature | -57.9° Celcius
-72.3° Fahrenheit | -71.9° C Earth temperature
-129.5° F Earth temperature |
Normal temperature range |
Night |
| Day |
-89.4° C
-128.9° F | - | -26.6° C
-15.9° F |
Min |
| Max |
-114.5° C
-174.2° F | - | -1.7° C
29.0° F |
Equatorial radius | 2374.4 Km | 0.37 Earth radii |
Density | 5.33 grams/cc | 0.97 Earth densities |
Eccentricity of orbit | 0.017 |
Escape Velocity | 4.1 Km/sec |
Molecular weight retained | 19.2 and above | Ne, N2, CO, NO, O2, H2S, Ar, CO2... |
Axial tilt | 26° |
Planetary albedo | 0.07 |
Exospheric Temperature | 526.17° K | -746.83° C Earth temperature |
Length of year | 408.36 Earth days | 286.50 Local days
1.12 Earth years |
Length of day | 34.21 hours |
Boiling point of water | -273.1° Celcius
-459.7° Fahrenheit |
Hydrosphere percentage | 0.0 |
Cloud cover percentage | 0.0 |
Ice cover percentage | 0.0 |
QAO-4 |
Planet type | Sub-Jovian |
Distance from primary star | 2.5E+08 KM | 1.699 AU |
Mass | 1.1E+26Kg | 18.835 Earth masses
9.325 Earth masses dust
9.510 Earth masses gas |
Equatorial radius | 26937.7 Km | 4.2 Earth radii |
Density | 1.37 grams/cc | 0.25 Earth densities |
Eccentricity of orbit | 0.213 |
Escape Velocity | 23.6 Km/sec |
Molecular weight retained | 0.2 and above | H, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O... |
Axial tilt | 26° |
Planetary albedo | 0.46 |
Exospheric Temperature | 200.72° K | -1072.28° C Earth temperature |
Length of year | 841.28 Earth days | 1589.26 Local days
2.30 Earth years |
Length of day | 12.70 hours |
QAO-5 |
Planet type | Jovian |
Distance from primary star | 4.5E+08 KM | 2.976 AU |
Mass | 1.3E+26Kg | 21.451 Earth masses
7.676 Earth masses dust
13.775 Earth masses gas |
Equatorial radius | 29317.6 Km | 4.6 Earth radii |
Density | 1.21 grams/cc | 0.22 Earth densities |
Eccentricity of orbit | 0.094 |
Escape Velocity | 24.2 Km/sec |
Molecular weight retained | 0.1 and above | H, H2, He, N, O, CH4, NH3, H2O... |
Axial tilt | 21° |
Planetary albedo | 0.51 |
Exospheric Temperature | 65.41° K | -1207.59° C Earth temperature |
Length of year | 1950.44 Earth days | 3613.22 Local days
5.34 Earth years |
Length of day | 12.96 hours | |